About the report

This section of the report describes the methodology behind the data presented throughout this report. Data is collected from various sources and to secure good quality we have an internal control of data through four-eye principle and sense-check vs previous reporting periods. This helps secure good data quality and consistency throughout our reporting.


In this chapter we provide background information, sources and assumptions for the various KPIs.
Our employee data is provided by corporate HR on an aggregated level. In 2022, the number of employees in the Elopak Group is 2 176 (directly remunerated by Elopak). The majority of Elopak’s employees are employed in the Netherlands (475), Denmark (285), Canada (298), Germany (268), Russia (181), and Norway (170). Data is presented per continent (Europe incl. Russia), Americas and MENA (Middle East and North Africa).

There are two types of temporary workers in Elopak. Some are hired on a temporary contract; others are hired through agencies. At the end of 2021 there were 99 temporary workers from agencies registered (these are not listed in the data tables). Elopak does not have any major seasonal variations in its workforce.


Elopak uses the high-level KPI Total Recordable Injury rate, TRI. The TRI Rate refers to the number of recordable injuries occurred per 1 million hours worked.

A recordable injury is a separate, identifiable, unintended incident, which occurs as a direct result of work, causes physical injury, and for which corrective action can normally be identified. This includes deaths, permanent disabilities, Lost Time Injuries, Restricted Work Case injuries, and Medical Treatment Case injuries, where treatment from a medical professional is required.

Resources other than employees are not systematically tracked by hours worked. Recordable injuries for this group are anyhow managed the same way. Most incident data is compiled through scattered channels, while a part is collected through the new group safety reporting system. Risk management is performed based on a group aligned method similar to normal industry practice.

Employee life cycle

The number of employees who have completed performance dialogues are registered as per March 1st 2023, due to the cycle of this process (1st Dec – 1st March for the performance of the previous year).

Training hours are accounted only for people who are remunerated by Elopak. The calculations for the Code of Conduct training excludes employees on long term absence.

Reporting tool changed for turnover calculations, improved statistics on reasons for leaving.

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Diversity and inclusion

Elopak considers the following levels of management in the organization:

Top management – The group leadership team (GLT)
Level/tier 2 management – anyone reporting to a member of the group leadership team
Other line management – anyone with responsibility for one or more employees at various levels in the organization (e.g. plant managers)

Responsible supply chain

Elopak defines key suppliers based on their business criticality and spend level. These are currently direct Suppliers providing raw material to our cartons and secondary packaging, as well as indirect suppliers mainly related to Logistics & Transport as well as Plant Investments. Supplier selection for the in-depth assessments considers both suppliers business criticality, country of origin as well as activity/industry.

When we refer to “% of suppliers by spend” in the KPIs, this means suppliers accounting for a certain % of the total spend for the reporting year (in this case 2022).

Local suppliers are defined as sourced within the same country as the location of an Elopak plant/site.

We use the Ecovadis assessment program to quantify suppliers being assessed for social and environmental impacts.


Our environmental data shows the development of Elopak’s environmental impact each year. Some of the indicators have been reported annually since 2008.

In this report, we have only included some of the years, but previous data can be found in the previous years’ reports, available on our website:

Environmental impact

(This section will be added later)


For calculations of % renewability, we consider the paperboard to be 100% renewable, although it may contain other minor non-renewable components. We base this assumption on ISO 14021 (allowing de minimus amounts). Further, we consider renewable PE sourced through a mass balance system to be 100% renewable. The calculations are based on Elopak’s DEEP (Dynamic Elopak Environmental Performance) tool, further described below.


Elopak’s Taxonomy Assessment Methodology
Elopak has performed the taxonomy assessment using Celsia Taxonomy software solution. The methodology of taxonomy assessment has included the following steps:

Defining scope of assessment:
Product – cartons for liquid food

Defining eligibility and relevant activities:
A taxonomy-eligible activity means an economic activity that is included in the taxonomy regulation.


This section will be added later