Elopak’s sustainability-driven growth strategy sets the long term direction of the company, and is presented in the Annual Report. Through our sustainability program we aim to achieve our goals through sustainable innovations and improvements. The program is based on the materiality assessment described in the previous section. Within each material topic, we have defined targets, which are linked to strategic initiatives, owned and managed by the relevant business areas. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are defined to measure and report progress and are continuously adapted to reflect our ambitions.
Implementation and execution
Elopak’s Group strategy is managed through an annual business planning process where the company defines key priorities. On the Group level, we define our Group Priority Sets, after which each business area defines relevant Must-Win-Battles, to set priorities at all levels in the organization. All employees should set individual targets through their annual performance dialogues. Many of these are directly linked to the sustainability program. The Group Leadership Team (GLT) is the overall steering committee of the program and reviews performance on a quarterly basis in business review meetings.
During 2023, Elopak will update the 5-year strategy and during this process further embed the sustainability program as an overarching umbrella including all business aspects.