People engagement
We believe that having quality dialogue with our employees generates engaged employees and a company that is more innovative and productive. Maintaining a high level of engagement is more important than ever to attract and retain talented people and, ultimately, for the delivery of business results. Living our promises is closely linked to engagement and thus we have made them an integrated part of how we work with talent management.
Communication and engagement with employees also include regular meetings and information sharing with employees through a range of formal and informal channels. These include webcasts, regular meetings with elected employees, and all-staff messages from our CEO.
Attractive employer
Our approach to build Elopak as an attractive employer both for current and new employees is done through several measures. This includes offering flexible working options, supportive people policies, through regular engagements between management and employees, individual development plans and formal training opportunities
As we are facing a very tight labor market, attraction and retention is increasingly important. The overarching objective is strengthening our employer brand. We will work on improving the employee net promoter score by using our engagement survey as the foundation for even more dialogues and action planning.
People development
Employees are encouraged to take charge of their own learning and development and seek support along the way. We provide technical and leadership training in several formats to employees. Elopak is dependent on highly motivated qualified leaders to meet challenging and changing environments in an increasingly complex world.
Our people development is built on:
- Performance management –which covers both annual performance dialogues and continuous dialogues with employees.
- Building a talent pipeline –which includes talent and succession management.
- Learning and development – which includes leadership development and training for all employees.
Performance management
We have regular performance dialogue meetings which focus on five key areas: goals, feedback, well-being, development and how we are living up to our promises. Our performance process is built upon both a formal process and frequent 1:1 follow-ups, creating a dialogue between managers and employees. Annual performance dialogue meetings are available to all employees.
Talent & succession
A core responsibility of our leaders is to build and develop a diverse pipeline of talent, across the organization. One way our leaders are monitoring the progress on the representation of diverse talent is via our succession planning and talent review processes, which allows for pipeline development and career planning for diverse talent.
Training opportunities
EloPeople, our global HR platform, offers a single collection point for all global learning programs and contains a wide range of courses. The platform allows us to track training, ensuring compliance with the Code of Conduct & Anti-Corruption Policy, GDPR, safety requirements, and other relevant training courses.
Elopak has an engaged workforce and is ranked as a good workplace.
85% of employees have individual targets and have documented competence development plans.
KPIs | KPI reference | Status 2022 |
% employees having performance dialogues | GRI 401-1 | 64% |
eNPS | Self-defined | 5 |
Elopak has a tradition of listening to our employees via annual organizational surveys. In 2022, we strengthened this practice by partnering up with an external supplier to launch regular engagement surveys. The tool provides external benchmarking, detailed analysis and professional engagement expertise. The first launch was a Pulse Survey where all employees were asked to give confidential feedback on their overall experience with working at Elopak. The questionnaire focused on employee engagement Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Elopak’s promises. The response rate was 54%, meaning over 1000 employees shared their feedback. Through this survey, we established a baseline for Employee net promoter score (eNPS), which is our future metric on employee engagement.
On a scale from –100 to +100, Elopak’s score was 5, which means employees perceive Elopak as a “good” place to work (read more here). This score is an integrated part of our incentive programs and thus our leaders are both measured and rewarded based on the outcome.
To further strengthen our brand as an employer, we launched a new Employee Value Proposition in 2022. We asked for input from employees from all over the world – what truly defines Elopak as a workplace – and our employees answered: ‘We create something that is real and tangible. And everyone has the chance to make a real difference’. Therefore we named our Employee Value Proposition ‘Make it real’.
We had a successful internal launch across the organization and with positive curiosity externally, created through our new career website and social media channels. Our employer brand video was seen over 10,000 times, generated over 1000 reactions and created over 250 new followers on LinkedIn during the first two weeks.
Performance management
Since the revamp of the performance dialogue meeting process in 2021, we have had a solid increase of such meetings. The corporate goal is for 85% of employees to have performance dialogue meetings. For the year 2022, 64% of the performance dialogues were performed. A slight decrease since 2021 but a significant increase compared to the 2020 number 22%.
Talent & succession
To ensure we retain talent and continue to develop internal candidates for future management and key positions, we have further improved our talent and succession management process, involving our executive management leaders. In 2022, we developed a framework and relevant templates for building the talent pipeline, and talents and successors have been identified, assessed, and discussed in relation to Global leadership Team and other critical positions.
During autumn 2022, we launched two global leadership programs which aim to provide leaders with the right tools to succeed with current and future business challenges. “Learn to Lead” focuses on the basics of leading oneself, others and the business, aimed for new or less experienced leaders. “Fundamentals of Excellence” is targeted towards senior leaders and focuses on expanding senior leaders’ field of vision on the global industry and the global economic trends that will continue to drive demand and competition.
Plant managers, production managers and lean specialists have attended Lean Leadership Training through Virtual Reality (VR) technology. This initiative has given Elopak the opportunity to further develop within the field of continuous improvement, at the same time reducing travel time and greenhouse gas emissions.
Training opportunities
In 2022, we strengthened our e-learning portfolio including different ready-made collections supporting today’s most sought-after competencies: leadership and business, technology, and essential safety and risk management compliance. These collections enable our employees to take ownership of their own development.
In 2022, 1800 employees completed one or more courses on our HR global platform. In total we have registered 7000 course completions in the system.
Our operations around the world conduct several regional and local training activities which are not registered in this global platform. This includes mandatory training for production workers within safety, quality, improvement of personal skills and other informal training which is not measured. In addition, we run regular nano-learnings on IT security and other relevant areas, to all employees.
Moving forward
In 2023, a more extensive survey will be launched to broaden our understanding of key focus areas revealed by the first Pulse Survey. When the full People Survey results are ready, we will focus on securing that a solid follow-up is carried out in all teams across the company.
During 2023 we will strengthen our capacity in the employer branding area, increase employer branding activities, and strengthen the recruitment process. We will continue to monitor engagement with our recruitment communications and the traffic we drive to our careers site, and work with targeted campaigns to attract talent.
We will promote Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) through our Employee Value Proposition “Make it real”, to enforce, communicate, and share our inclusive culture and work environment. Our DEI policy will be visible in all attraction and recruitment activities, from job postings to selection criteria, position short listings and employer branding activities. Read more about our DEI focus here.
We will continue to deploy the building of a talent pipeline to all critical positions in the company and work on individual development plans on all levels.
One of the initiatives for 2023 that will enable us to strengthen our pipeline and attract people with different perspectives, is the launch of the Elopak Global Graduate Program. The participants will be enrolled in specific business tracks lasting 2 years, including international exposure.
We will also continue with the leadership development programs and gather both new and senior leaders to further strengthen our behavior-based culture. By the end of 2023 approximately 32 new leaders and 48 senior leaders (app. 50%) will have completed our leadership programs.