We are committed to respect and support international standards, including the United Nations (UN) Sustainability Development Goals (SDG), the International Bill of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Our environmental approach is anchored in the Net-Zero Standard Criteria set by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) where we commit to reducing emissions across our value chain by 95%.
As a participant member, Elopak is committed to the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact. As a member of Ethical Trade Norway, Elopak is also committed to act in accordance with Ethical Trade Norway’s statutes and Declaration of Principles. We have also signed a pledge on greenwashing, committing to communicating our standards fairly and openly and with well-documented statements.
Sustainability is deeply anchored in our culture, strategy, management, ownership, and employees. Not merely handled by one department, it is an integrated part of our business and strategy. It is reflected in the products we develop and offer, which continuously prove to be among the most environmentally friendly packaging on the market. Responsible business conduct and transparency is top of mind throughout all operations in every market.
Elopak maintains our strong focus on global warming and was among the first three companies in the world to have Net Zero targets approved by the Science-based Targets initiative (SBTi) following the official launch of their Net Zero Standard. We support global commitments and regulatory developments to help reduce the burdens on our planet, such as the Paris Agreement, the Montreal Agreement and EU’s Green Deal.
Elopak is also a strong advocate of the growing emphasis on Human Rights, including the implementation of Norway’s Transparency Act in 2022 and similar initiatives in other countries and on the EU level.
Ethical Trade Norway
Elopak are members of Ethical Trade Norway, a resource center and advocate for sustainable business conduct and ethical trade.
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