Labor rights
Elopak respects all applicable laws, rules, regulations and industry standards concerning working hours, minimum wages, and rules related to the working environment in line with human rights as defined by the United Nations. We respect the freedom of employee association and the right to collective bargaining agreements. We aim to follow local mid-market remuneration practice in all the countries where we are represented, including minimum wages and employer’s liability insurances. This main principle, reflecting our Remuneration Policy, is valid for all Elopak’s fully owned entities.
Decent labor and working conditions are maintained through various policies, procedures, guidelines, and training available to all employees. Our wider human rights approach is described here.
Local management and Human Resources have maintained a close and frequent formal and informal dialogue with the local Work Councils regarding yearly salary negotiations, health, safety and working environment topics and organizational changes. 51% of our workforce is covered by local and/or national collective bargaining agreements.
The European Works Council (EWC) comprises Works Council representatives from all Elopak legal entities within the EU countries (plus Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein). All legal entities with more than 10 employees are entitled to send one representative. A few smaller legal entities are merged and represented by one person. For any extraordinary major or transnational matters such as restructuring, organizational changes, projects affecting manning/resources separate meetings are arranged to inform and consult the EWC.
Naturepak integration falls into place
Welcome to our new Elopak colleagues in Morocco and Saudi Arabia
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Moving forward
We will continue to uphold the close relationship with the local unions and the European Working Council, both in formal and informal meetings, to continue a trusting relationship.
We will also continue to monitor and gain experience by the way we are ‘living,’ the revised Global Flexible workplace policy. This includes changes to remote work, freelancing and high expectations from employees in general, with regards to flexibility